A subreddit for the lore and stories encompassing the dark future of the 41st millennium. Set your 40kLore flairSet your 40kLore flair via the wondrous. Failure to do so may result in investigation by the Inquisition. You have been warned. Subreddit Rules. Rule 1: Be respectful.
Hate speech, trolling, and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated, and may result in a ban. Rule 2: No soliciting. Please don't use this as a platform to promote your blog, crowdfunding, or anything of the ilk. Posts featuring self-promotion will be removed.
Rule 3: Please use SPOILER tags when necessary. To add a spoiler to one of your comments, simply wrap it in exclamation marks and arrows !!!Spoilers go here! The Tactica ImperiumWhen seeking instruction on the correct course of action, no commander should march to war without at least one volume of the Tactica Imperium in his belongings.
The Tactica Imperium is the most widespread battle manual employed by the Imperial Guard. It is not a single tome, however, and has no one authoer; instead it is a massive living docment, compiled from ten millennia of tactical wisdom, comprising collections of documents, doctrines, manuals and notes approved for inclusion by the Departmento Munitorum and the office of the Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard. It is recommended that every commander in the Imperial Guard memorise a portion of it at some point in their career.If a full collection of the Tactica Imperium were to be gathered together, caculus-logi estimate that it would fill enough shelves that it would take a single man an entire lifetime to read even a tenth of it 1.The Tactica Imperium is not intended to be a prescriptive instruction manual though; circumstances change too quickly in warfare to refer every decision to a book. Its virtue is that it provokes thought and, through it, understanding of the core principals of warfare to be employed by a good commander as and when required.1 The Library Sanctus on Terra has the only known complete copy of the Tactica Imperium, and even so, it is continually growing as older fragments of wisdom come to light or now doctrines are added. Lord Sheyla of Omnasae Binary was believed to have the most complete collection of the Tactica Imperium beyond Terra, but unfortunately a scribe copying a series of illuminated letters went insane after working on the same word for a decade and burned much of the collection to ashes when he relised he had made a spelling error.
Given the vast size of it and the many thousands of years and countless engagements, wars, skirmishes and battles it covers an Imperial Commander could do absolutely anything and somewhere within the Tactica there'll be a page or two supporting their decision. May take the rest if their lives to find it, but hey.I wonder if there are Guard Commanders that have spent entire decades gathering supporting evidence to defend their course of action in battle, only to die before they ever actually get to court martial. Sounds suitably 40k, death by bureaucracy.